WATCH: Former FBI Agent Explains How to Negotiate

Tyler Hayzlett
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Take it from former spy hunter, Joe Navarro,  when it comes to winning any negotiating, everything begins with preparation.

“I think the biggest mistake is thinking that the little things don’t matter,” Navarro says. “From the moment you walk in, how you greet the staff, being attentive to others in the smallest of ways. Being polite, shaking hands, being mindful not to elevate emotions. Simple things.” It perhaps boils down to realizing that, if a negotiation is important to you, the people on the other side of the table, and their perception of you, is important too.

Joe Navarron’s 4 Tips to Negotiation Prep:

  1. Have a Specific Objective
  2. How to Choose Your Words
  3. Think of the Audience
  4. How to Anticipate Their Next Move

This video breaks down Joe Navarron’s 4 tips to prepare before your next negotiation.



Who The Heck is Joe Navarro?

Joe Navarro retired from the FBI after serving as an agent for 25 years. He has been studying nonverbal behavior for more than 45 years and is the author of 13 books, including “Be Exceptional: Master the 5 Traits That Set Extraordinary People Apart,” “What Every Body Is SayingAn Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People” and “The Dictionary of Body Language: A Field Guide to Human Behavior.” Follow him on Twitter @navarrotells.

Navarron Spent a Lifetime Master the Art of Negotiation…

Joe Navarro moved to the US at age 8 with his family shortly after the Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba. He later was accepted as one of the youngest FBI agents where he spent 25 years in counterintelligence and counterterrorism.

Through his work he was able to study, refine and apply the science of nonverbal communications. His acumen in this field and his success as a spy-catcher, led Joe to begin training FBI agents and the intelligence community.

Retiring from the FBI in 2003, and meeting overwhelming demand for his notable insights into human behavior, Joe has dedicated himself to speaking and consulting with major corporations worldwide.

Today Joe is recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on negotiations.

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