WATCH: Bill Gates is Buying Up American Farmland. Here’s Why You Should Too…

Tyler Hayzlett
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Bill Gates

Did you know that Bill Gates owns more land than the entire city of New York? It’s true and more specifically its almost all farmland.

In 2020 Gates raised eyebrows when it was announced that year he had become America’s biggest owner of farmland consisting of 269,000 acres.

For the last 10 years Bill Gate’s money manager, Michael Larson has been making massive land acquisitions across 19 states.

But why?

Wait, Why the Hell is Bill Gates Buying US Farmland?

Speculations are aplenty and there are many conspiracies. But here is an explanation from investment expert Codie Sanchez that explains why. It’s lucrative investment.

First, he’s the biggest owner of one of the most valuable limited resources in North America.

The returns on US Farmland have averaged 11.5% annually since 1990, with consistently low volatility and a near zero correlation with the stock market (according to the U.S. Farmland)

Second, the demand for food is skyrocketing. The USDA and the UN estimate the demand for food will rise by 70% to 100% in the next 30 years.  What industry can beat that demand trend?

Third, Owning farmland enables you to qualify for tax grants and credits.

Watch the video to get the full explanation from Codie on the business of farming. Plus a quick overview of the crazy Bill Gates conspiracies associated with the topic…


About Codie Sanchez:

Codie Sanchez is a reformed journalist, turned institutional investor to cannabis investor and adviser, to now Founder at Contrarian Thinking and Cofounder of Unconventional Acquisitions.

Throughout her career, she has worked at the intersection of marketing and money, finding contrarian ways to invest.

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