Mike Tyson’s Was Arrested 40 Times by 13. His Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS…

Tyler Hayzlett
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B2 Mike Tyson

“All my life I’ve seen murders and robberies. I came from that world where everything was dog-eat-dog. If you had money or jewelry, if you couldn’t defend it or protect it, you’re going to loose it.”

– Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson was first arrested at 10 years old. 38 more times by age 13.

Needless to say, he grew up in a rough neighborhood in Brooklyn. If you couldn’t protect yourself, you got taken advantage of. Mike was in over 400 fights in his life.

He quite literally fought his way through life and still is to this day…


How Mike Tyson Blew a $600 Million Fortune

By the age of twenty Tyson was one of the most famous figures on the planet. Namely for being the most talented boxers of all time. And for biting off Evander Holyfield’s ear off during one of the most televised matches in boxing history.

Here’s that throwback…


During his boxing career he amassed over $685 million and he accomplished to spending all of it. Every last penny…

He not only managed to blow through a half billion in cash, he then eventually owed over $50 million in debts, including another $13.4 million to the IRS.

So What Did Mike Tyson Spend $685 Million On Exactly?

  • Mike routinely traveled with an entourage so large it rivaled the size of a small country.
  • He owned Siberian tigers and spent hundreds of thousands/year to care for them.
  • He bought over $400k worth of pigeons too…it’s a long story
  • He had fleets of luxury vehicles, a posse of prostitutes, and a 21-bedroom mansion.

He was known to spend over $240k month for entertainment and another $100k/month for Jewelry and clothes.

During his lifetime, Tyson reached the peaks of fame and fortune most of us mere mortals will never know or experience. He climbed from the gutter to the height of success. But even at the top of the world by the age of 20, he still had a darkness inside of him…

Watch Mike explain his incredible life story and lessons of gratitude from his personal experiences literally fighting for his life.

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